Wednesday, February 16, 2011

New Mania: Shoes.

So... after wasting a good two days of our lives stalking the interwebs, we've begun a new project. No its not a conspiracy theory this time but shoes. Fan shoes. For Versailles to be exact. What happens when you see the same men for two days straight? What else but making shoes dedicated to the band!! *ada wong face* Yes we're weird. We've already established this.

Lets move on shall we?

SO it all started with good will shopping. We were going to find a pair of cheap pair of dress pants for Phoenix. We saw nothing that caught our interest so we started to stalk the shoe section like the cosplay loving geeks we are. And low and behold on that shelf was a mildly used pair of demonia footwear. We were on those shoes like white of rice. $5 for something that's usually around $60. So we bought them even though the had no buckles or laces, saying we'd fix them up later. (By the way we did eventually find her pants) So the next day we went shopping for supplies to make a visual aide for one of Phoenix's classes. (Seeing a pattern yet are we?) While there we browsed for buisness and pleasure. The pleasure being the shoes of course. Phoenix found a cross, and we both agreed; It was a Versailles-esque cross. Alas we decided then and there in an aisle that we'd make those demonia into fan shoes so epic god himself would wear them if he were a woman. Though at the time we weren't exactly aware they'd get quiet as epic as they are.

So far we're only tentatively a little over half done. When we finish we'll post a picture of the shoes for giggles.

Till next time!

~ Novice and Phoenix

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